Me in four words:

That's what I do in my off time:

If I was a superhero, I would be:

My secret talent is:

Languages that I speak:

Me in four words:

That's what I do in my off time:

If I was a superhero, I would be:

My secret talent is:

Languages that I speak:

Where our journey began...

Autumn 2013

getting to know each other

at a ski jumping event in Klingenthal

since 2014

taking photos at
ski jumping events

regular visits at ski jumping events + taking photos for athletes

since 2016

Konsi: PR work

Press and public relations at VSC Klingenthal e.V. (World Cup Events)


Skijumping Norway Website

Gründung „Skijumping Norway Fanpage“ für das Nationalteam der norwegischen Skispringer (Eventreports, Fotografie, Logoerstellung)


Annu: Admin club page

Admin Jumping Team SV Blau-Weiß Dittersbach e.V. (reports, photography)

since 2020

Konsi: self-employment

Owner (sports journalism)


Annu: self-employment

as visual artist

August 2024

Foundation KoAla

Combining the competencies of Konsi and Annu into a joint company

...our next stages...

until summer 2025

The 'Market Detectives'

uncover the hidden secrets and desires of our target audiences

until the end of 2025

The 'Brand Mosaic'

create a unique brand image


The 'Customer Caravan'

building a customer base through authentic interactions and creative campaigns

until 2027

The 'Community Oasis'

an engaged community that exchanges ideas, connects, and grows together

until 2029

From the side path to the main road

side business ➡️ main business


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